Bildwelt - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim
Good times
start with a hi

Brands with Empathy

Listen, observe, understand: We combine human empathy and the joy of creativity with cutting-edge technologies. This is how we create unique brands that offer people guidance in today’s times. That is Human Intelligence Branding.


We take your B2B brand to the next level – combining unique services from consulting, content, design and software.

To do this, we use the latest technologies. We are prompt engineers from the very beginning. That’s why we know that only when artificial and human intelligence work together perfectly can outstanding brand experiences be created at top speed.

What can we support you with?


  • Brand Strategy
  • Corporate Design
  • Corporate Branding
  • Claim Development
  • Digital Strategy
  • Employer Branding
  • Logo
  • Naming
  • Packaging Design
  • Personal Branding
  • Positioning
  • Product Branding
  • AI Ethics

Brand Strategy

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies must take every opportunity to stand out from the crowd. One way to achieve this is through a well-defined brand strategy. Companies with such strategies have a remarkable advantage over their competitors, enjoying a return on sales that is twice as high on average.

Strong brands not only attract customers but also create a sense of purpose that inspires loyalty and drives growth. This is particularly important in the B2B sector, where brands can often come across as generic, technical, and uninspired. To truly differentiate yourself from the competition, it’s time to develop a brand strategy that captures the essence of your business and resonates with your target audience.

Partner with us to create a brand strategy that not only inspires people today but also adds long-term value to your company.

markenaufbau - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Corporate Design

At Callies & Schewe, we know that corporate design can be a powerful tool to drive business success. It communicates a company’s values, culture, and essence in a visual language that is essential for making its brand visible and tangible.

That’s why we work closely with you to develop a premium-level corporate design that is tailored to your specific goals, target groups, and plans. With our expertise and experience, we can create a distinctive, uniform, and unique appearance for all your communication channels in the shortest possible time.

Let us help you achieve higher sales, more shareholder returns, and faster growth with a winning corporate design.

tts rebranding - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Corporate Branding

In an era of increasing market uncertainty, the importance of corporate branding has never been more significant. A company’s attitude, its sustainability efforts, and its overarching goals are all reflected in its products and services.

In fact, a strong brand identity can create a sense of trust and reliability among customers, promoting brand loyalty and encouraging growth. By adopting a powerful umbrella brand, companies can create synergies in brand management, boost their overall brand value, and become socially relevant.

To ensure that your corporate brand can adapt to future changes while retaining its unique and trustworthy nature, trust us to guide you through the process. Let us help you develop a corporate brand that is both flexible and powerful, paving the way for your future success.

cropenergies Bio Fuels - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Claim Development

In the world of branding, a well-crafted claim can have a tremendous impact on your audience. It’s a concise message that communicates the essence of your brand and captures the attention of potential customers.

At Callies & Schewe, we understand the importance of a powerful claim, and we work closely with you to develop a memorable and distinctive message that sets your brand apart. Our approach is holistic, taking into account your overall brand identity and messaging strategy to create a claim that resonates with your target audience and helps you achieve your business goals.

XFT - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Digital Strategy

As we plunge into an increasingly hyper-digital future, it’s vital to have a plan that accommodates the impact of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence on your brand and marketing strategy.

Staying relevant in a world that’s in a constant state of flux can be daunting, but we’re here to help you identify the right products, offers, and pricing models that will help you better reach and retain your customers. Let’s navigate this digital landscape together and ensure your success in the long term.

SAP - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Employer Branding

In today’s fast-paced job market, specialists and executives are in high demand, leading to frenzied recruiting programs. While many companies offer a variety of benefits to persuade younger employees to stay, HR managers are beginning to realize that these short-term solutions may not be sustainable.

What is needed is an authentic employer brand that is embraced by employees themselves and has a distinctive character. This brand serves as the foundation for effective communication measures that cater to both current and future employees.

Let us guide you through the process of developing such a brand, drawing on our decades of experience in communicating with highly educated target groups. With our expertise, you can create an employer brand that is both genuine and effective, giving you a competitive edge in today’s job market.

Uniklinik Heidelberg - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


Your logo is the face of your brand, and it’s the first thing that potential customers will see. It should be memorable, distinctive, and visually appealing. In fact, a well-designed logo can significantly increase the value of your company or product.

Our team can create a customized logo that will represent your brand for years to come, and on all materials and channels. While it may be an investment, the return on investment is worth it. Let us show you the practical figures in a meeting to get to know us better.


Selecting the perfect brand name is an essential marketing decision. A well-crafted name has the potential to attract interest and build trust with your target audience. A great name should be memorable, distinctive, and brief. Crafting an effective name requires both creativity and strategic thinking.

At the same time, it can be challenging to create a name that resonates with your audience while setting yourself apart from competitors. Our team has extensive experience in developing compelling and unique brand names, including comprehensive name families, to help you stand out in a crowded market.

CocoJive - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Packaging Design

The competition for consumers’ attention in the food sector is fierce, and the packaging of your product can make all the difference in whether or not it gets purchased. The right packaging design not only communicates your brand’s message, but also generates a buying impulse.

At our agency, we stay up-to-date on the latest design trends and legal requirements in the packaging market. From minimalist to maximalist designs, sustainable packaging, and reusable options, we have the expertise to create a packaging design that will make your product stand out on the shelf or online. Contact us to learn more.

cocojive - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Personal Branding

In today’s digital age, people are increasingly becoming brands in their own right, thanks to the power of social networks. While striving for attention and recognition in the online world may seem daunting, it has become a crucial qualification for career success. C-level executives, in particular, must establish themselves as personal brands, communicating with clarity, confidence, and visibility in public.

Meanwhile, employees can serve as brand ambassadors for their companies, leveraging their own personal brands to prepare for future career opportunities. Let us help you develop your personal brand, focusing on what sets you apart, what you excel at, and what makes you intriguing to your target audience.

Through our expertise, we’ll help you communicate both your competencies and your unique personality, providing the foundation you need to soar to new heights in your career.

SAP - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


When it comes to your potential customers, they likely have a mental ranking list of brands that they turn to for products and services. The question is, where does your company fall on that list? Market leaders must strive to maintain their first-place position, while challengers often carve out a successful niche.

At our company, we specialize in helping you establish, expand, and maintain the optimal position for your company and its brands. Through our guidance, you can work towards securing a prominent spot in your target audience’s minds, making your company a go-to destination for their needs.

Let us help you unlock your potential and achieve the brand recognition you deserve.

SI Energy - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Product Branding

Transform your product into a highly visible brand that stands out from the competition or other brands within your company. By leveraging unique branding strategies such as “House of Brands” or “Endorsed Brands,” you can create a distinct identity that ideally leads to increased sales and repeat customers.

Let us help you highlight the unique features and benefits of your product, working together to craft a compelling Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that resonates with your target audience.

With our guidance, your product will capture the attention of customers, setting it apart as a memorable and highly desirable brand in its own right.

Livsane - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

AI Ethics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the new hope in marketing. It can help us better understand our customers’ needs and create personalized marketing messages. But where there is light, there is also shadow. The use of AI in marketing raises ethical questions: What about data protection? What is the responsibility of the human being? What is the role of our customers and employees? How do we verify the results of AI?

Ethical AI application puts the human decision at the center. “AI Ethics” is our consulting service that helps decision-makers in marketing and corporate communications to make the handling of AI applications transparent, fair and comprehensible for customers and employees and to integrate the solutions into everyday work in a controlled manner.

This enables companies to fully exploit the potential of AI while ensuring that its use complies with their own ethical standards and ESG criteria.

Menschliche KI


  • Advertising
  • Campaigns
  • Collateral Marketing
  • Events
  • Film
  • Ghostwriting
  • LinkedIn Management
  • Social and Paid Media
  • Thought Leadership
  • Transcreation
  • Web and App Development
  • Content Advisory


Whether digital or analog. Creative or functional. As your partner, we develop your ad campaign and the control in paid media. Our ads surprise, catch the eye and generate a reaction.

SI Trading - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


For more than a decade, we’ve been developing and implementing campaigns for the world’s top B2B brands. From conception to implementation, we take care of every step. The sparkling creative idea is just as important to us as responsive project management.

Whether digital, classic or cross-media: we put your messages where they belong – in the heart of your target group and your community.

SKF - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Collateral Marketing

Supporting materials are the key to B2B communication – especially if you offer products and services that require explanation. Do you want to surprise your top leads with an inspiring whitepaper in their inbox? Do you need a brochure that your sales force can take to customer meetings or trade shows with a broad chest? Or do you want to send your new trend study in brilliant glossy to selected customers and partners?

Whether digital or printed, you can rely on us. We produce your asset and deliver it flawlessly and on time into your hands.

Print Media - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


At every fair, your team gives its all. That’s why your exhibition stand needs a damn good central idea – and a coherent overall image, from the motto to the banner to the give-away.

We do that for you. For our team, major events are more than just screen work: the exhibition halls in Hanover and elsewhere are our second home. Because we like to get involved on site – as a social media team, filmmakers and sometimes as the girl (and boy) for everything.

Messen - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


Moving images are and will remain the supreme discipline of marketing – even though much has changed in recent years. Social media and streaming providers have reshaped viewing habits, and digital tools enable breathtaking special effects.

Often, however, nothing beats an authentic interview, accompanied by beautiful shots from the factory or headquarters. Whatever you want to set in motion: We do it for you. Depending on your requirements, we work together with a hand-picked video agency from our partner network.


There is a huge marketing treasure slumbering in your company. To be more precise: in the heads of your experts. They have something to say! And we find the right words and formats for them. With our experience in almost all trend topics, we are also happy to be your content sparring partner.

Our ghostwriters have already helped hundreds of top decision-makers to get their thoughts across – in Wirtschaftswoche, FAZ and Handelsblatt, in white papers, newsletters, social media … you name it. What can we do for you?

Sprecher auf Bühne

LinkedIn Management

What Facebook was for private users in the 2010s, LinkedIn is for the business world today: If you’re not present on the platform, you practically don’t exist. Social media is full of pitfalls and the competition is fierce? That’s true!

But that’s why you have us: We turn your sales department into a digital lead generator and your decision-makers into influencers. To do this, we have developed unique strategies over many years of apprenticeship, which we constantly readjust and tailor to your goals. For you, this means visibility, reach, contacts and likes, likes, likes!

SAP LinkedIn Programm - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Social and Paid Media

Your social media presence is your brand’s flagship. Nowhere else do you stand in the public eye more glaringly. And nowhere are the opportunities for leads, an authentic image and new talent greater. We analyze your needs, your market environment, your current presence – and work with you to develop the right strategy.

On this basis, we create your content and also gladly moderate the responses from your community. Whether ad campaign or organic posts: We bring your messages into the feeds of your target group. And if you like, we can show you your successes regularly in transparent reports.

paid and social media

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is that elusive quality that everyone intuitively understands and whose power is hard to overestimate. Thought leaders need two qualities: They have to be luminaries in their field – your managers from the specialist departments already are.

And they need to take their expertise to the world – that’s what we do for you. We create (or refine) your content, ensuring that your decision makers are recognized as opinion leaders in their industry or field. Be it with articles, whitepapers, posts, studies, videos or a combination of all.

tcs dont panic - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim


Does your company operate internationally? Then you know what it’s like: the English-speaking corporate headquarters changes the line of argument or even the entire tone of voice of your brand. Now your German website must quickly follow suit.

Or your colleagues in the U.S. publish a study that you would like to serve up fresh from the oven in your home market. Just run it through the AI translation tool? Doesn’t work – once you’ve tried it yourself, you’ll know why.

We make sure that every translation sounds like it was done by a native German speaker. And just as important: we think along with you when it comes to local and cultural specifics in the content.

Blackline - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Web and App Development

Are you planning a landing page that stands out from the crowd and wows your customers? Or even an app with features the world hasn’t seen yet? Our partner company Triggercode – with whom we share office and ideas – will support you.

From conception to implementation to support. With customized software, developed together with you via Scrum or Extreme Programming and quickly adaptable at any time.

50 Jahre SAP - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Content Advisory

We tell your brand story cross-media and advise you comprehensively on the topic of content in the age of AI. We provide you with a worry-free solution: from the conception and creation of content to distribution.

Our team analyzes your target group and creates a media architecture and content plan tailored to your needs. What’s special: We work with some of the best copywriters and editors in Germany. We emphasize technical depth with a human touch that text robots alone have not yet been able to achieve.

In addition, we offer comprehensive content distribution support. We help you publish and promote your content on various platforms, ensuring that your brand is seen by the right target audience.

SKF - Leistungen - Callies & Schewe Kommunikation B2B Marketing Agentur Mannheim

Contact us

Ready to take your brand to the next level? We support you.
