Results of our Customer Survey

Summertime is report card-time: Our customers rate their experience with Callies & Schewe as “very good” (∅1.37)*. Our clients gave the results of our work with them an average grade of 1.44 based on our survey of 82 participants just before the summer holidays.


When asked about their overall satisfaction with Callies & Schewe, two thirds of those surveyed rated us as “very good” and one third as “good”. Only two individuals gave us a “satisfactory” grade. These evaluations are both an honor and motivation for us.

We were especially pleased by the personal praise from many participants in response to the question as to what they appreciated particularly: “The whole team and its extremely professional attitude. Absolutely world class!” or “The spirit and creativity to achieve excellent results with minimal input from us.”

The grades in detail:

Consulting and concept (1.45), Text and editing (1.5), Project management (1.47), Creative team (1.55) and Programming (1.44). We are particularly proud of the excellent grade for our relatively new video services (1.28). Demand in this area is growing, as well as in strategic consulting and concepts. Content-based brand management will drive our clients’ business for years to come, so we will grow our range of services in this area in the next few months.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey. We promise to review your suggested improvements and implement them directly for you. Thanks also to our great team, without which these results would not have been possible.

Sebastian Callies, Kim Schewe

* German grades range from 1 (best) to 6 (worst)

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